Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Panama Canal Post 2

The Panama Canal Was one of the biggest things going on in the early 1900s. The panama canal was the thing that was suppose to completely cut the trip between the Atlantic ocean and the Pacific ocean. It was said that it was supposed to shorten the trip by about seven thousand miles.

           The Cartoon shows president Roosevelt just going strait at the canal and not even waiting for people to tell him that he can even build the canal. The people in his shovel are the people that don't want the canal built. The people at the bottom are the people who want the canal to be built and have already waited and are inside the canal. This cartoon shows exaggeration, because its showing Roosevelt as this all powerful figure that can do anything he wants to do. It is also showing symbolism, because only a certain amount of people in the US want the canal to be built and another part of the US does not want the canal to be built


Roosevelt Corollary


The Roosevelt Corollary was the law that allowed the US to intervene with any problems regarding Europe. This angered all of Europe because the Corollary also made banned Europe from going into South America.

    The Cartoon is showing Uncle Sam blocking the European Countries trying to get into South America, but Uncle Sam is marking where they can not go past. This cartoon is showing symbolism, because it is showing Uncle Sam big and powerful bossing around all the other countries.

MLA Citation Page

Annexation of Hawaii: 


 N A. "Panama Canal Expansion Sails Both Ways." Minnesota Brown. Web. http://minnesotabrown.com/2016/01/panama-canal-expansion-sails-both-ways.html.



Panama Canal


N A. "Panama Canal Expansion Sails Both Ways." Minnesota Brown. Web. http://minnesotabrown.com/2016/01/panama-canal-expansion-sails-both-ways.html.



Purchase of Alaska


N A. "Political Cartoon." Google.com/site. Web. https://sites.google.com/site/alaska1867turnup/olitical-cartoon-3.



Roosevelt Corollary


N A. "Cartoon of Roosevelt Corollary." Pinterest. Web.< https://www.pinterest.com/pin/278519558179195246/>.


Open door policy


The Open Door Policy Cartoon." West Valley College, Saratoga CA. Web. 21 Dec. 2011. http://instruct.westvalley.edu/kelly/Distance Learning/History_17B/Lecture08/open_door_notes.htm.


Spanish American war


N A. "Political Cartoons of Spanish American War." Lydias History Blog. Web.< http://lydiahistory.blogspot.com/2014/01/political-cartoons-of-spanish-american.html>.

Open Door Policy Post 1

The Open Door Policy was the policy when china opened their doors to the rest of the world. This policy was to try and spread Chinese Religion to the countries that visited them. That did not happen and China soon found their religion being taken advantage of. For example the rest of the world was equally changing the Chinese religion.

The cartoon shows all the major countries of the world trying to get a piece of China when they had earlier agreed that they would not form a monopoly over one another. This shows symbolism when the one country break that promise to gets close to all of one continent so they can have all of the resources that the country has to offer and sell it at very high prices to the other countries.

Panama Canal Post 1

The Panama canal was a very good thing for the US. It gave the US something that allowed them to cut straight through to South America, and into the Atlantic or into the Pacific. Though it seemed like an amazing idea, South America did not want the rest of the world to be able to cut through their land, and into the other side of the world in a mere two to three days.

The Cartoon shows President Roosevelt on his Republican ship, next to Panama. He has weapons for if South America were to try and stop him. He also has a giant shovel, and is about to start building the Panama Canal. The cartoon shows symbolism, because it shows that Roosevelt has no intension of anyone stopping him. It also is shows analogy, because it is showing the Republican party as this big and mighty force that nobody can stop.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Annexation of Hawaii Post

The Annexation of Hawaii was kind of like the purchase of Alaska, but it wasn't. We did not buy Hawaii, we took it from them. The US sent some people to Hawaii to see if it was worth buying. The US did not feel like buying Hawaii, so they took it by force.

The Political Cartoon shows the stages of the US. The US started out as a little boy, and over time the US has expanded to be so big. The cartoon shows symbolism, because it shows how the US has grown from 1776. The cartoon also shows the idea of irony, because Uncle Sam is really like he is in the forth picture of him, but he has grown even bigger, because the US has grown as it has gotten more and more countries

Spanish American War Post

The Spanish American war was the war with the US, and Cuba against all of Spain. The war started with Cuba wanting its independence from Spain. Though Cuba did not have a strong military, the US came to Cuba's side and helped them gain their independence. Except when Cuba thought they had won their independence the US took control of Cuba.

The Political Cartoon shows Uncle Sam at a table in a restaurant and he is wondering what Country he could take over next. The cartoon shows symbolism, because it is the fact that Uncle Sam is in his US flag suit and is about to buy more countries. It also states Irony, because the restaurant he is in has the American flag hanging up and his server doesn't look happy to see the American figure at the restaurant.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Purchase of Alaska Post

           The Purchase of Alaska was a very controversial thing with the US. Americans thought that what we had done was waste 7.2 million dollars ( how much we bought Alaska for ). The fact was is that that we actually paid 7cents per acre of land, and because that's how big Alaska was.

The political cartoon is showing William Seward (pulling the cart) and his friend ( pushing and no name given ) are sings of symbolism. They are sings of symbolism, because they prove how the US felt about buying Alaska in the late 1800s. it is also an analogy, because people just thought that William seward had just bought a giant block of ice

Open Door Policy Post 2

         The Open door policy was when china opened there borders all other countries in the world could go to it. But it was a very bad thing when monopolies were starting to form and that everyone got together and discussed that there should be a rule that does not allow monopolies to form.
    The cartoon is showing Uncle Sam at the door into china blocking the door with a key. the cartoon is showing exaggeration, because Uncle Sam is bigger and than all the figures of every other country and also he has the key to China. The cartoon is also showing symbolism because Uncle Sam has gone against what the world has agreed that not only one country will have power over every other