Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Panama Canal Post 2

The Panama Canal Was one of the biggest things going on in the early 1900s. The panama canal was the thing that was suppose to completely cut the trip between the Atlantic ocean and the Pacific ocean. It was said that it was supposed to shorten the trip by about seven thousand miles.

           The Cartoon shows president Roosevelt just going strait at the canal and not even waiting for people to tell him that he can even build the canal. The people in his shovel are the people that don't want the canal built. The people at the bottom are the people who want the canal to be built and have already waited and are inside the canal. This cartoon shows exaggeration, because its showing Roosevelt as this all powerful figure that can do anything he wants to do. It is also showing symbolism, because only a certain amount of people in the US want the canal to be built and another part of the US does not want the canal to be built


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